Upcoming Public Holidays
Please note the practice will be closed for the following public holidays.
Good Friday - Friday the 18th of April 2025
Easter Monday - Monday the 21st of April 2025
Why is your GP practice now unable to do everything we once were?
General Practice has now reached a critical situation with less money, less doctors and less staff to meet the growing needs of the Scottish population.
Your practice is reliant of government funding to pay for nurses, admin staff, doctors, equipment and facilities. In 2017, the Scottish Government promised to introduce a new GP contract and additional funding, but large parts of this have not been implemented. Your practice is under tremendous additional pressure as a result of inadequate funding, increased costs, increasing healthcare needs, old buildings and cumbersome IT systems.
Your practice is absolutely committed to providing the best health care it possibly can for you and your family but the circumstances are extremely difficult. Please remember that we all came into healthcare to help patients but that we are limited by the funding and support provided by the Scottish Government. If you are concerned about this please contact your MSP.
Our Local Medical Committee (LMC) represents general practice in the Lothian Health Board area and has prepared a more detailed review of the circumstances affecting GPs. That document is available to download here.
Lauderdale Medical Practice
Dunbar Medical Centre
Queens Road
EH42 1EE
Dr C Campbell
Dr J Ellis
Dr L Henderson
Dr A Halmshaw
Dr M Slowey
01368 861 435
111 (out of hours)