Non NHS Services
Private Work Fees
Legal and Non Health Related services
As a busy NHS practice we try and minimise the amount of non NHS work we accept to do. The more time we have to devote to this the less time we have to provide good quality healthcare.
Non NHS Medicals
We accept that patients may need some categories of medicals to be done by us but this will be at a time convenient for us often outside our normal work hours. The fees we charge for this work are set by the British Medical Association and reflect the value of our time as professionals. These include:
HGV/PSV medicals
Insurance medicals
Power of Attorney signatories.
Please note Dr Black has a separate agreement to provide medicals for RNLI crew members
Non NHS Letters
Please note we don’t supply letters in support of housing applications or soul and conscience letters to court (these need to be requested by the appropriate housing officer or solicitor).
We will charge a BMA standard fee for travel insurance or completion of other insurance related claim forms.
We will provide jury exemption letters free in APPROPRIATE cases but please note if you are 71 or over you don’t need a doctor’s letter.
‘Fit to fly’ letters are rarely required and most requests for ‘medication in hand luggage’ are unnecessary