Sexual Health
The GPs can provide information on all forms of contraception and the practice can provide contraceptive implant and IUD/IUS (coil) fittings. Our practice nurse can review contraceptive pills and provide the depo-provera injection. We are happy to discuss sexual health matters whatever your age, gender or sexuality and this will of course be treated confidentially.
A comprehensive local source of information of contraception, sexually transmitted infections (screening and treatment) is available at Lothian Sexual Health. This also has information about the NHS Lothian specialist services available such as the Young Person’s clinics, Gender identity clinic, information for men who have sex with men (including PrEP), Psychosexual therapy, Complex contraception and Menopause and vasectomy clinics. Under the “media library” tab there are some useful patient leaflets one many topics, including the Menopause clinic leaflet.
Free condoms are available in Lothian through the C-card scheme. Dunbar Medical Centre is a base for this and you can register and ask at reception for a supply but there is also the option to order free condoms by post